Summer recap…
Wow that was busy!
I inadvertently took 4 months off of blog posts. Whoops! Here are things that happened this summer:
Our youngest had a different daycare over the summer, which led to 2 hours of commuting each day, and I listened to tons of podcasts and audio books.
I went on a weekend girls’ trip with high school friends. So many laughs.
While I was on my trip, our son scratched his cornea and our car died! Poor Kevin :-( but thank goodness for in-town family support.
We had a death in the family with out-of-town funeral, which was bittersweet as we did get to see some family that we weren’t expecting to see, and it was long overdue due to the pandemic.
We went on a family road trip to Indianapolis and Louisville, and our former nanny-turned-member-of-our-family got to join us - so fun! And we came home with Covid… Not as fun!
We had a family trip to a cottage on Lake Michigan. Incredible.
We tried to adopt a second dog and sadly it didn’t work out due to conflict with our current dog Kuma. So we pivoted and got two kittens!
All three of our kids started at new schools/ daycare in August. The older two get to ride the bus now!
Our vegetable garden went bonkers and produced hundreds of tomatoes and cucumbers (which I’m the only one that really eats). Lots of learnings for next year starting with make the garden way bigger and plant more things that others in the family will enjoy!
Through it all, I worked on several beautiful and rewarding client projects - living rooms, basement, entryways, hallway, stairwell, dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, mudroom/ laundry room, lighting, flooring, paint colors, gallery walls, artwork selection and framing, carpentry, renovation, design consultation, project management and coordination, as well as some projects at home. Phew! No wonder I haven’t blogged :-D. I’ll share more about all this in future posts, and make sure you’re following on social media to see details closer to real time.
In the meantime, if you need some design support, I would love to help - just set up an initial, free, no pressure call with me, and let’s talk about your project!